Welcome Aboard

Who Am I?

Married to Linda for over 45 years, 7 Children, 3 by love (in laws), 11 Grandchildren,10 Great Grandchildren

Army helicopter pilot in Vietnam, Public School Teacher, Adult Protective Services Social Worker, Pastor, Christian School Principal in Texas and Ohio, Drug Rehab Counselor, Member of ORU Board of Regents Educational Fellowship, Army Reserve Chaplain, Adjunct Professor with City Colleges of Chicago, Rapid Response Team Chaplain with Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Retiree with Services to Armed Forces and Veterans American Red Cross, Retired Adult Probation Officer, Praise Team member,   Co-Founder of Faith and Family Coalition,       Composer, and Author

Quiet Warrior- Daily Reflections for a Life Made Strong in the Presence of God

If you want to understand how to apply Scripture to your life, this book will help you. You will learn how to let Jesus exchange your heavy burdens for His momentary light ones. He will take your fear and anxiety and give you courage, faith, and peace. This book will help you find verses that will comfort you in your brokenness, equip and inspire you to be victorious in battles. You can plumb the depths of scriptures and draw up treasures of His wisdom. And you can do that every day.  

Purchase Book

Papaw's Journals the Interrupted Journey

This is the story of people held together by a powerful bond of love but separated by vastly different past and present battles. While on their different journeys, their reactions to the interruptions in their lives reveal the variety of rewards or consequences that result.

Hostile spiritual forces, betrayals, loss of family members, persistent pain, and their own conflicting emotions, leave some feeling broken, empty, estranged, with joy and faith appearing hopelessly out of reach.

Where will their desperate search for escape, wholeness, or restoration take them? Will they lose their love of life or triumph over adversity and reach their journey’s goal?

Things that may help you in your recovery from symptoms of PTSD

Questions and activities to explore and discover.
Download the free Study Guide below.

Papaw's Journals the Other Side of Hope

When Josh is finally granted parole after fifteen years behind bars in a Texas prison, he is desperate to start a family.  When he arrives in Tennessee to spend parole with his Papaw and Oma, he is made aware that his Papaw is dealing with the early signs of Alzheimer’s.  Papaw’s increasing slide into Alzheimer’s drives him to do everything he can to get the journals he wrote in the sixties and seventies into the computer for his child and his grandchild.

The journals tell of Papaw’s search for a “Cause” that will define him and make his life relevant. His quest for faith and belief in something larger than himself takes him through combat in South Vietnam. His desperate attempts to survive in “the real world” of life after combat are compounded by struggles with alcoholism and painfully complex family dynamics.

This is a story about people of faith being tested with addiction to prescription pain killers, aging, family breakups and the betrayal of friends while making every effort to keep faith through it all.

You may find within these pages characters similar to people you know and situations you may be facing. It is my most sincere prayer that in them you will find your way to the Other Side of Hope found only in Jesus.

Spirit War the Call to Arms Devotions

Whether you are a new recruit in the Army of Christ or a battle-hardened saint, you will gain perspective and pearls of wisdom from the Bible. Fresh revelations and gentle reminders offer insight and comfort to the seeker of truth.

You may be in the middle of a battle, facing a dark, foreboding storm, or celebrating a mighty victory you and the Lord have won. Within the pages of this book, you may find exactly what you need. It could be an encouragement to celebrate,  a gentle nudge of correction, a warning, or a warm, comforting hug.

You will find Biblical nourishment to give you what you need to follow King Jesus. There is training. There is comfort and restoration for the broken, the wounded, and those in pain. 

This book will motivate and encourage every warrior in the army of God. We will  stand shoulder to shoulder to defend the faith and rescue the perishing. We will conqueror as we get our marching orders to walk in the Power of His name!

The Path of Blessing

The theme for this channel comes from John 13:15-17 in The Living Bible. “I have given you an example to follow, do as I have done to you. How true it is that a servant is not greater than his master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends him. You know these things- now do them! That is the path of blessing.”

 Join me on this journey on the path of blessing. I plan to post a devotion every month on my YouTube channel.

You may have lots of questions, doubts or fears or overflow with His Love. But whoever you are, you’re invited to join me. Hopefully, you’ll find answers to your questions. You’ll find an encouraging word, godly counsel, wise advice and abiding comfort. The source and inspiration will be supplied by the Holy Spirit. So, join me on this journey, it should be fun.

If you’re ready to check it out, click the button to the left and join me on… the Path of Blessing.

For the joy You set in me, all Your Grace and Glory

How You’ve come to set me free…from me.

For the music in the silence, for Your sweet abiding Presence

my heart is full to over-….flowing with praise.

The path of blessing is following Jesus, serving GOD and others

Just like He did

He is my Master, I am His slave, I can give no more

than the life HE gave.

Please fill me with Your Spirit, speak to me so I can hear it

Help me be who all I need to be for You.

In this moment, here with You, help me be and help me do.

Everything You’ve shown me with all You have in store

I’m on the Path of Blessing and I desire nothing more.

Short Stories in 2025
Adventures, Tales, and a Story or Two

     If you like short stories, I have something to offer. I have written quite a few of them down through the years. I plan to start reading a fifteen-minute episode each week on my YouTube channel at Les Burnette.

     Each one is different. One is set in the future, some in ancient times. Some are “adventures” that actually happened. Some are tales that came while reading the Bible and wondering what the people in the stories may have felt.

     It has been a blast writing these and putting them where you can read them is going to be an adventure in itself.

     I hope you enjoy listening to them, and if you do, please tell everyone you know.